8. Except as provided by law, the Portal is provided "as is" and without any warranty or condition, express or implied.
9. You should only rely on the information contained in or accessible through the Portal for the purpose and context in which it is provided and take into account any instructions from authorised APA personnel.
Privacy Policy
The Career Insight Group (TCIG), made up of Audrey Page & Associates, Directioneering, Thrive and TwoPointZero, care about your privacy and maintain the highest ethical and professional standards. References to 'we', 'our' are references to each of these organisations, including any contractors, consultants or coaches appointed to represent us.
TCIG complies with The Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act) which sets out a number of principles that private sector organisations must comply with in the open and transparent collection, storage, use and disclosure of personal information. These principles are known as the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs).
This privacy policy details how we collect your personal information and how we use, store and disclose that information.
What is Personal Information?
Personal information is information or an opinion (including information forming part of a database), whether true or not, and whether recorded in material form or not, about an individual whose identity is reasonably apparent, or can be reasonably ascertained, from the information or opinion.
What personal information do we collect?
We only collect personal information in order to properly and efficiently carry out the services for which we are engaged by our clients, who may be either your current or former employer.
If you choose not to provide the personal information we need, we may not be able to provide the requested product or service.
The types of personal information we may collect include:
- general personal or business details such as your name, domestic situation, emergency contact details;
- job title, employment history, education details, mailing address, email address, phone number and other contact details as well as your resumé, current remuneration and expectations;
- information about your current or former employer who has engaged our services (Our Client);
- information from various psychometric tools some of which are administered externally; and
- information obtained during coaching / counselling sessions with you, including commentary and opinions.
This information may be collected by way of forms filled out by individuals, emails, telephone conversations, face-to-face meetings, virtual meetings and interviews conducted by us.
In some situations, we may supplement the information we receive from you with information from third parties, such as Our Client. Regardless of the source, we respect and protect the privacy of all personal information we collect.
If you provide information to us about another person, then you are responsible for telling the other person that you have provided information about them to us. You should tell them who we are, that they may access their personal information, and you may also wish to refer them to this Privacy Policy.
Sensitive Information
In most cases, we will not require any sensitive information from you in order to provide our services. However, if we do collect sensitive information about you, for example health information, we do so in accordance with the Australian Privacy Principles.
How do we use the personal information that we collect?
We may use your personal information for the following purposes:
- To provide you with our products and services when engaged to do so by Our Client;
- To respond to your queries or feedback;
- To facilitate your participation in services which we provide;
- To send you any communications or publications in which we think you might be interested, or which you have requested;
- To let you know about developments in our procedures, products, services, activities and programs that might be useful to you; and
- To satisfy reporting requirements we have in place with Our Client.
To the extent that we receive information that gives us any concerns regarding ethical or conflict of interest issues, we may provide your personal information to Our Client for the purpose of reporting these concerns.
Do we share your personal information with third parties?
We may disclose information about you to your current or former employer or to other service providers and third parties that carry out activities on our behalf, for example our external consultants who provide expert advice on research, financial management, small business development etc, or an external party who collects survey information in which you participate. We impose security and confidentiality requirements on how they handle personal information. They are not permitted to use personal information about you for any purpose except the functions we have asked them to perform as our representatives (unless they are your current or former employer).
We may disclose your name in group workshops, face to face or virtual group meetings, or on group webinars that you attend. If you are uncomfortable with that, please let your consultant or one of our staff know and we will arrange for anonymity where possible.
We may also disclose your personal information where disclosure is necessary to prevent a threat to life, health or safety.
Other than as set out above, we will not disclose information about you to a third party unless the disclosure is required or authorised by law or a court/tribunal order, or you have consented to our disclosing the information about you.
We do not sell or license your personal information to third parties for direct marketing.
In certain circumstances, such as if you are undergoing an Expatriation program or ar planning to work overseas, we will disclose personal information to overseas recipients located in the country of your choice.
Data security
We take reasonable steps to protect your personal information from misuse, interference and loss, as well as unauthorised access, modification or disclosure. All of the personal information held by us is stored on secure systems, with protections including SSL security, Penetration testing, Password-protected access and Authentication and Authorisation protocols in place.
Access to personal information is limited to the employees, contractors and consultants who specifically need it to conduct their business responsibilities. We also maintain physical security procedures to manage and protect the use and storage of paper records containing personal information. Staff who handle personal information are educated about and act in accordance with the requirements of the Australian Privacy Principles and the Privacy Act.
Some of the information we hold is on our cloud-based SAS business system, Momentum. This data is ultimately stored on Microsoft Azure servers in the USA. Microsoft Azure has SOC 2 attestation plus a range of other data security certifications.
How can you access or correct your personal information?
We will take reasonable steps to ensure that the personal information we collect, use or disclose is accurate, complete and up-to-date. However, we rely on the accuracy of the personal information provided to us both directly and indirectly.
You have a right to request access to, and correction of, any personal information we hold about you. You can do this by making a request:
In writing: Chief Financial Officer, The Career Insight Group Pty Ltd, Level 17, 330 Collins Street, Melbourne, Victoria, 3000
By email: brent.wallace@tcig.com.au
By Phone: (03) 9691 7900
How do I make a complaint?
If you think that we have breached this privacy policy or the Privacy Act, or wish to make a complaint about the way we have handled your personal information, please contact us at the address listed above.
We will acknowledge your complaint and respond to you regarding your complaint within a reasonable period of time. If you think that we have failed to resolve the complaint satisfactorily, you can contact the Australian Information Commissioner via the website located at www.oaic.gov.au, or by telephoning 1300 363 992.
TCIG may amend this Privacy Policy from time to time by publishing changes to it here and on our website. We encourage you to check our website periodically to ensure that you are aware of our current privacy policy.